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What is SAC?

SAC is a great organization to learn more about our school and contribute behind the scenes!

SAC POLICY In Colorado, it is a statutory requirement for every school to have a School Accountability Committee (SAC). The purpose of the Leman Academy SAC is to provide opportunities for our parents, our staff, and our community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of Leman Academy's programs along with being a representative voice for the community.

The job of the SAC is to work collaboratively with school leadership on reviewing high-level academic data, developing our school’s Unified Improvement Plan, recommending budget priorities, facilitating the annual student survey, and providing general community feedback. We meet once per month and have mixed-campus parent, teacher, and administrative representation.

The SAC will:

  • Represent the Leman Academy of Excellence community point of view;

  • Make recommendations and/or give advice to the Principal;

  • Focus on needs and concerns of Leman Academy's community;

  • Review various components of the school program and advise the principal as to how well these meet the school and community needs;

  • Designate a representative to the District Advisory Committee;

  • Serve to facilitate communications between the Leman Academy community and to the District Accountability Committee;

  • Adopt by-laws consistent with the Douglas County School District's organizational guidelines;

  • Conduct an annual needs assessments/survey for the formulation of school improvement goals;

  • Cooperatively develop areas of study based upon school baseline data and school profile information;

  • Help in the development of the school improvement plan;

  • Meet on a quarterly basis at a time when the majority of all members of the community can attend;

  • Open its meetings to the public, and publish the time, date and location of the meetings;

  • Meet other requirements as indicated in state law.

You can find more info on SAC on the school website here:

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